Eighty Eight Hundred provides design services for individuals, businesses, non-profits, schools and more. Our goal is to enhance your company’s brand awareness through creative design materials such as promotional and marketing pieces that will inspire and inform your audience of your brand and who you are. This includes, but not limited to, page layouts for books and magazines,brochures, ebooks, merchandise design, social media graphics and other investment pieces.

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Design has always been a part of my world. I simply enjoy creating things—whether it be hands on art, digital graphics, videography or photography.

My career began with designing the interiors of schools, libraries, college dorms and other municipal buildings. And I've had the privilege of creating digital material, resource design, videography and photography for businesses over the last 17 years.

I love finding beauty in every setting I find myself in—especially outdoors. I hiked solo to the top of my first mountain several years ago and I've been hooked ever since. Eighty Eight Hundred feet above sea level was the height of that mountain.

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